
Sooooooooo how 'bout those clintons?

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do u think that hillary clinton could have become the democratic nominee and possibly even president if her husband wasn't so aggressive and silly during her campaigning. i think it showed him as not professional or smart for that matter. i know he is smarter than that to react to comments the way that he did. seriously. It's like he did it on purpose.




  1. I don't think she would have won no matter what she did because people don't want a woman in charge.  And it SUCKS!

  2. Well Hillary is still uglier than an Anteater and Bill is sleeping around somewhere I'm sure. Poor Chelsey she is starting to resemble her mom more everyday.  

  3. Somehow I have to wonder.  At times it seemed that he viewed her candidacy as a joke.  He gave a stellar speech last night.  In fact, I thought both Clintons gave the best speeches of their careers this week.  Certainly, the people on the convention floor were very excited and inspired by them.

  4. No, Hillary's failure as a candidate was due to the media.  Not because they were mean to her (they were falling all over themselves to be nice and respectful), but because, in early days of the primary, they were too nice.  Nearly every news publication in the country (and some overseas--thank you very much, The Economist) said that she was a virtual lock-up for the nomination, and the whole primary race was moot.  So she slacked off on fundraising and campaigning, hoping to watch the GOP primary turn into a total pooch-s***w (which it almost did).

    As it happened, that turned out not to be what happened.  Obama raised an unprecedented war-chest and blanketed Iowa with enthusiastic college-student volunteers to get out the vote, where Hillary spent hardly a dime.  The result was obvious, and once Hillary's invincible aura was broken, it changed from a race for second place to a knock-down fight for the nomination.  Hillary, consistently struggling to keep up in terms of funds, enthusiasm, volunteers, and experience with the kind of all-in ground game that Obama brought to the table.

    When the primary ended, Obama was virtually rolling in dough and Hillary had to loan her own campaign money just to stay in debt.  What surprising is that, in the interim, she managed to do as well as she did.

    It has little to do with Bill, or Barack, or Chelsea, and a lot to do with resting on her laurels when everyone else was working.  Sort of like the grasshopper and the ant.

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