
Sore Throat!!! Help!!!?

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I have had it with having a sore throat! nothing is more annoying! anything that will work fast and easily that is not a pill?




  1. celery always works for me

  2. hot water-turmeric-honey-lemon (Y)

  3. I'm not sure what can work but if ur throat alwayz hurts ur tinsels might need to be removed...

  4. Colloidal silver from vitamin shoppe.  It comes with a dropper and drop the silver down your throat.  It will relieve it instantly, do it a few times a day. this site will explain it all

  5. Orejel or Chloraseptic

  6. try some throat lozenges, they may help sooth the pain. and try robitussin, nasty flavor though, but it gets the job done.

  7. Aww im sorry that stinks. A remidie that my mom makes for me when i have sore throat that works very well is:

    you make a cup of water

    and you put thyme into it ( the spice )

    put some into your mouth and gargol it

    when you spit it should feel better.

    or you can make some tea with honey.. that really helps

    sometimes a sore throat feels better when cold

    if thats the case, take a popcilce and rub it to the back of your throat, as far as you can go ( without gagging! )

    if it doesn't work for you, call a doctor because they usually have suggestions, or google it

    hope i helped



  8. gargle with warm water and put salt might taste bad but it really works!!!

  9. sucrets spray

  10. Hot Slippery Elm tea, with lots of fresh squeezed organic lemon juice, and raw local honey.

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