
Sore all over!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i played compettive volleyball yesterday in a tournament for 6 hours straight. now i can barey move b/c im so sore!!

everyone tells me to stretch and run it off, but that seems to be making it worse. what can i do??




  1. omg no way! what you need to do is rest!!... take like 3 aleves and just rest it out... your gonna be sore for a few days.... take a really hot bath and masage yourself... d**n you must be in so put pain "/

  2. I'm feeling the same way right now. My dad told me that when your muscles are sore it's because acid has built up in your joints. The only way to break it down is to walk around. I know it hurts, but you'll feel better in a week or so.  Good luck!

  3. Try eating a high protein meal and drinking plenty of water and stretching and exercise should help

  4. You will feel better in 1 to 2 days.  You can't 'run it off' as that will prob make you more sore.
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