
Sore eyes....?

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I have been having some problems with my eyes but have become more prominent within the last couple of weeks. When I wake up I have a lot of gunk that needs removed from the surface of my eye and during the day. Also it is very irritated all day and I am trying hard not to scratch it. They are also midly red! Please help!!!!





  1. Sounds like you have a little "cold" in your eyes.  What works good for that is..  soak some tea bags in warm water and place them on your eyes for 5 minutes three times a day.  Get lots of rest, too.  If that doesn't cut it, see your Optometrist.



  2. Sounds like you have conjunctivitis. Ask at the pharmacy for some drops. The pharmacist will also advise you if need to see the doctor for prescription drops.

  3. xprettyx - if you your wake up with your eyes full of gunk then they are either infected or irritated.  I often have that problem.

    In the past I have tried using pink eye medicine or eye allergy drops, but now I  just use Eye Wash that I buy at my local drug store. The pink eye medicine and eye allergy drops are much more expensive than Eye Wash and they are sold in 1/2 (0.5)  ounce bottles. Eye wash comes in 4 ounce or 8 ounce bottles. I keep a bottle of eye wash at home, one in my desk at work and one in my purse.

    At home, I rinse my eyes in the morning and at night. During the day I put in a few drops whenever my eyes feel irritated. Eye wash is much more effective in dealing with pink eye or eye allergies.  After a day or two of using Eye Wash you will see a huge reduction in the amount of gunk in your eyes when you wake up and throughout the day.

    Good luck

  4. You have an eye infection. If you rub and scratch you will make it worse...and possibly spread it. You probably have spread it already, hense it's in both your eyes. See your doctor and he'll give you antibiotics or refer you to a specialist. It should only be a matter or taking somethihng orally or putting drops in your eyes. Nothing to worry too much about I'm sure. Don't put off going though, or it could get worse.
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