
Sore jaw ten days after wisdom tooth extraction?

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I had two wisdom teeth taken out about ten days ago and while there has been no pain at the extraction sites my jaw is still fairly sore. The soreness seems to be most severe at night. Is this normal?




  1. it may be just from the pulling and pushing from the extraction in general.

    it's totally normal. you WON'T get dry socket unless you don't clean it properly so don't worry about that.

    just ice your jaw and take the medication that was prescribed to you and you should be alright. do some jaw stretches every once and a while just to get used to it :)

  2. It's probably just bruising and will eventually settle down.  If you are in too much pain, take some paracaetamol to ease it.  Give it time.

  3. no it's not normal!... It may b probably due to dry socket... consult ur dentist again and let him check what it is...  

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