
Sore lump and hole in my mouth (cheek) next to my incoming wisdom tooth?

by  |  earlier

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About five days ago I felt as if I was getting a sore throat, and then the next day I had a hole in my cheek next to where my wisdom tooth is coming in. They're coming in very crooked and towards my other teeth. I still feel like I have a sore throat and now I can barely eat anything because the hole in my cheek hurts so bad. There is also a bump right next to it, probably from biting it several times this past week (due to it being swollen). What is causing this hole? Could it be an infection? Just a little worried, as I don't have insurance or money to see a dentist.

Thanks in advance!




  1. it is most likey a cancore sore is it white if it is get numbing gel then the pain from that will go away trust me

    now will you please help me maybe with one of my questions

  2. I don't know if this will help you or not, but when my wisdom tooth began to come in I also had a little hole like the one you described, and although I could not afford to go to the dentist, I did because I was freaking out and they told me that it was an 'abcess ulcer' which is really gross-sounding, I know, but I think it forms when some of your tooth is still beneath the gumline.  I'm not certain.  Anyway, I was instructed to get some Listerene (green kind) and dip a q-tip into it a couple of times every day, and then swab the sore with the q-tip.  I don't know if this will be of any help, but it's worth a shot:)  Also, the sore went away less than a week after I began my treatment of it.

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