
Sore nipples at 7 weeks prego?

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Okay so i have two questions... I found out tht i was pregnant August 13th. So im about 7 weeks or so... anyway, i am huge, my stomach has gotten so big in the past 3 weeks and my bf said he knew i was pregnant before i even told him... Is it possible that i got my period when i was pregnant? Or is it normal to be so big, and secondly, my right nipple is so sore!!!! It has a bump right on th tip of my nipple and it is so sore,,, just the right one though,,, Whats goin on?




  1. Nothings accurate unless you have an ultrasound. So you could be further along than they're telling you. Also you could spot during pregnancy (implantation bleeding). Alot of people confuse it with a light period and don't ever suspect pregnancy until other syptoms occur. Just be very cautious and watch out for sharp cramps. Cause spotting can lead to miscarriage.

    If you really are only 7 weeks then your probably just really bloated. My right nipple is alot more sore than my left and I am 5 1/2 weeks pregnant. So i believe it's just normal! GOOD LUCK!

  2. All of this is perfectly normal.. if you are a tiny person then yes, your tummy probably will look big to you!! There will be some peeps that say "NO, you are not showing" and you probably not but, nobody knows ur body better than urself and u know what it looked like before right? i tell u what, i'm on my third pregnancy and i'm bout as far as you and i see my tummy already. But even for my first, I started showing instantly. The sore nipples, normal. It will get better in your second trimester. They will still be sore but not as sore as they are now. Try sleeping in a sports bra so they won't move so much. lol.. (Also great for after having the baby once your milk comes in) I usually put on a sports bra, then wrap them in an ace bandage and that helps soooo much when your milk has come in.. Just a lil tip.. Good luck and congrats!!

  3. I don't know what to tell you bout the nipple except see a doctor and has for the SO BIG almost sounds like you haven't been to the maybe you had better get there and be getting the dating ultrasound.  If you are only 7 weeks quit using being pregnant to eat like you're feeding and army.

  4. d**n GIRL if you're asking these kinds of questions so early in the pregnancy, you're never going to stop.

    NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL everything is NORMAL... just wait until the baby starts sucking on them LOL

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