
Sore throat remedy?

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I think there's a cold or something going around and this morning I woke up with a very sore throat. I've lost my voice and can barely speak. Is there anything to soothe my throat? Thanks.




  1. Hi Sedillo_cass.  I've just answered a question entitled 'sore throat'.  You're welcome to take a look at my answer if you have time.  (Sorry to be lazy!)

    Hope you get better very soon!

    Nelly x

  2. 1 tsp sage

    pinch or two of cayenne

    biol in 4 oz of water, gargle and drink the rest for two days, twice a day

  3. well i know it's kinda old fashioned, but if you mix warm water, s little bit of honey and a little bit of lemon juice together it helps alot

  4. Honey and Lemon, add ginger too if you don't mind the taste.

    It'll sooth your throat immediatly.

  5. personally, i like natural apple tea. it might sound weird, but it tastes really good. or any hot tea for that matter. if you clear your throat after drinking it, you will most likely get your voice back. you can also breathe in the steam coming from the tea through your nose and it helps, too.

  6. Osha root tea, ginger, garlic, mint, lemon, honey, hot water, in any combination all together works great.

    Continue to drink again and again until your throat feels better.

    Avoid halls and big brand name cough drops, you will find they sooth you while you have one, but make your throat worse when they've dissolved, makning you want annother one right away. Just say no.
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