
Sore tongue,need help.?

by  |  earlier

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I keep getting a sore tongue with white spots.Some days it feels better than others.I wear false teeth at the top and don't know if the plate is causing it and I am on a lot of medication for Bi-polar disorder so it could be my tablets.Any suggestions please.The doctor has tried mouth pastilles but they didn't work.




  1. hiya i to wear dentures and my tongue was hurting and i had white spots on it. i went to the doctors and he gave me a prescription for nystan. its a oral did the job.i think it was for thrush of the mouth. also if you eat fresh pineapple,that causes white spots on your tongue,and inside of your mouth.hope you feel better soon.xx

  2. This sounds like oral thrush. Consult your local pharmacy the should be able to help.

  3. Hmm... I don't get white spots on my tongue but I've noticed that my tongue gets a bit sore/tingly when I drink tea or coffee (I've put it down to the caffeine). That may be something to do with it?

  4. Could be possible infection? maybe any mouth ulcers or cold sores anywhere that aren't fully healed?


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