
Sorry, but you have to see this...?

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any thoughts on this person.. the subject?




  1. Looks like you signed in as a different user to draw attention to a question you asked with the other account...  Either way, the guy who asked the question doesn't seem to think things through very well.

  2. didn't you get the memo that the big bang happened a few thousand years ago... lol and that's what wiped out the dinosaurs

  3. Shouldn't this be discussed in that post?

    Anyway, I think he's just rambling on and on..

  4. Lol! Lol lol lol.

    That is ignorance at its best.

    "i know how the big bang has happened, but tell me, wouldnt an explosion, especially one that size, take away life instead of allow it? think about it."

    "...since man has been around for, like, millions and millions of years, dont you think we would have evolved..."

    Someone needs to teach this person some science, history and biology.

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