
Sorry but who cares about the future?

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Alright, I've had this conversation with a MILLION people about the world ending and our future grand kids doom and stuff, but honestly I don't care about the future kids whom I will never know... seriously I know thats self-ish but think about it, most people pretend to care about the people in the future, did our past ancestors care? Nope they made Global Warming worse for us.... Whats your opinion on this?




  1. I don't give a rats rear end about global warming, but for some reason I do care about what shape I leave the earth in.   No kids and don't want any, but it just seems wrong to leave a place in worse shape than we found it.

  2. I totally disagree. God said to be good stewards of the earth, and I am doing that.

  3. I dont spend too much time worrying about stuff I can not change...i dont have kids and dont want any...I dont want them in h**l they call earth.

  4. what would have happened to us if our ancestors wouldnt have thought about us and had exploited all the natural resources???

  5. I have to agree with you. Really, why should we care? Why should we learn more? Why should we earn more money? The world is going to come to an end sooner or later. Survivor of the fittest should be sufficient to determine what lives on? What is the definition of end of the world? An Ice Age? Extinction of the human race? Or when planet earth is wiped out of the universe?

    Maybe if one has a vision about learning time travel? or traveling to space and be like star trek people? Living on another planet?

    Extinction of the human race would definitely help with environmental problems which were induced.

  6. I kind of agree. I don't care about future generations either (after i die) i'm selfish too...but at least i'm honest

  7. When I think about the effects of global warming, it isn't just about the people. It's about the only science lab we have in the universe- the earth. If there is a mass extinction, we will permanently lose forms of life to study and create new technologies from. This is all we've got. Unless you have another 50, 000,000 years to wait for new stuff to evolve, losing what we've got is an inexcusable tragedy if preventable. The Jesus freaks don't care because they think gawd is in control of it all. The cons don't care because they typically are Jesus freaks and they typically care little about science. These types of people are the ball and chain to humanity in my opinion.

  8. .there is no present as the second you say you are living in the present it is the past .it is our past that guides our future so to say you don't care for the future says you have learned nothing from your past and are doomed to repeat it until you get it right

  9. seriously?! no, im not an environmentalist, but 69 years down the line, and very possibly with grandkids,you should care about the future-especially since it includes you!!

    as for global warming-its bogus anyway-been scientifically proven already that its not possible, and the weather i think is enough proof!!

    however, to say you dont care about our future...thats just completely unreasonable!

  10. That will change once you have children. After my daughter was born I started caring about her future and wanting the best for her. I think every generation wants the best for their children which is probably why technology and quality of life keeps improving.

    When I started caring about her future, I really started caring about the environment. I want her to be as healthy as possible and the environment plays into her overall health.

  11. If you're under 50, you might want to consider caring for the current generation.  As the consequences of global warming could definitely have negative impacts on your own hedonistic life.

  12. Ok,  I am not a tree hugger or anything like that, but I do have kids, and want them to live in a decent place.  To say that you do not care about the future is to say that you do not care about anyone but yourself.  I am not saying that you should change your life, but common.  I would like to think that there are people out there who will care about my great grand kids, ect... they could end up with the same opinion you have, but shouldn't they get that chance?

  13. if humans don't care for the world,then we don't deserve being called the superior least think of the planet you are living in,she gives u a place to breathe,walk,and do what not?and in return you just try to destroy her?that's not selfish,that's utter cruelty

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