
Sorry for asking, but I was realy wondering....?

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Why is Prince Harry drinking so much?




  1. Why does anyone drink ?

    Do you question everyones drinking habits ?

    How do you know its too much ?

  2. Perhaps he is worrying about whether he can pay his council tax or his mortgage ,perhaps he is on the minimum wage and finds it hard to pay his telly license or fill his car with petrol.

    I think lots of young people nowadays drink to forget about financial worries.

    Or is it just that he is a spoilt good for nothing waste of space who can afford to run up a bar bill of £3500 as he has access to as much money as he wants without having to graft for it.

  3. Don't be sorry, we know young people drink, its just his stupid luck to be caught and photoed when he is pissed. His very life and birth make him a candidate for excessive drinking, but he really should do it in private because he is a royal anything he does will sell newspapers. I am glad nobody took photos of me when I was drunk thats for sure.

  4. he is depressed with his overwhelming lifestyle. I mean being a prince is not as easy as we think.

  5. i think he has problems.. not his fault though..

  6. you need to get out more sweetheart

  7. If that was your family, wouldn't you drink?... I mean, who would really want to be a royal? Think about it. His life is circumscribed by "do not" and "should not" and "look good at all times, no matter what" and "be obedient".

  8. Because he can ?

  9. I think it's because he's been having relationship problems with his girlfriend of 3 yrs.and they just split up.  One other reason (I think) is because the media is all over him all the time, and I guess he's bothered a lot from it.  I just don't get it; we are allowed to have private lives, why can't important people be allowed to have the same right?

    He just turned 21, and I think he might be trying to show everyone how much of a man he is.

  10. don't apologise u've got the right to be worried

    bad advise i guess!!

  11. He has some personal problems like people constantly wagging their tongues,questioning his parentage. He also runs around with a group of Hooray Henrys or party-hardy type people who are not very mature or responsible. I hope Harry will mature and cut down on these questionable antics of his!

  12. Just be thankful he has a chauffeur to take him home

  13. Maybe he's bored?

  14. Because drinking is fun and he can afford it.

  15. because he has nothing to work for. he has anything he wants. he may as well drink his life away.

  16. He's really, really thirsty.

  17. just leave him alone  -  he's not acting differently from other people his age

  18. he is in the situation that the one thing constructive he wanted to do was taken away from him (army)

    so he is drinking as what else can he do

    i feel a bit sorry for him

    he is waiting for othing

    he is damned if he does and damned if he dosent really

  19. He is a 22 year old male, a soldier, just split from girlfriend & people are daily challenging his parentage....need I go on?

    Poor guy can hardly take a dump without it being reported in the tabloid press so surely his acting like an average guy & getting drunk is too good for them to miss.

    They need to give the guy a break. Who knows, in years to come if anything happens to William he could be King.

  20. would you be asking this question if he wasnt a prince? i some how doubt it

  21. There are three possibilities:

    Peer pressure from people who he hangs around with. When you’re a celebrity and a royalty figure, you’ll be surprised to know that you aren’t really surrounded with people who cares about you and your well being, and you’ll be even more surprised that these people whom you refer to as your “friend” aren’t really your friend but a “social companion” who is only looking out for their own interest, perhaps their “15 minutes of fame.” How do you think where did all these medias get their sources from? Such as where the princes went the night before or what Prince Harry or William said about their girlfriends, what they did at the club etc.

    Family issues. Many people drink simply because they see that alcohol is the only method to temporarily escape from their family matters. The media only shows the glamorous side of the royal family, however, there is also the “ugly” side that only goes on behind closed private doors. From the late, Diana Princess of Wales’s untimely death to his father’s remarriage to Camilla, how do you think Prince Harry could cope with all of this especially if they all live together under the same roof at Clearance House. We always hear about how the Queen adores Prince William of Wales, what about Prince Harry? Does anyone really care about him and treat them equally? Maybe he is being rebellious because he wants attention from his father or even his grandmother, the Queen.

    Identity Issue. I highly doubt Prince Harry want to live behind his brother’s shadow. Maybe he doesn’t want to be “Prince Harry of Wales, the spare.” The rumor of him being “James Hewitt’s love child” is damaging and very hurtful rumor to Prince Harry. Maybe he even questioned himself sometimes that same question? Maybe the rest of the royal family suspected this too and treated him differently?

    Any one or a combination of these three factors could cause Prince Harry to be an alcoholic. He is one unhappy individual and his rebellious actions could not hide his depression, stress, pressure and his emotional instability.

  22. Gee, do ya think?

  23. cos he can and probbly the fact that he's free from that "Chelsee *****" lol

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