
Sorry guys, are ONLY Siamese breeds cross-eyed (stabismus) OR just blue-eyed cats in general OR light eyed 1s?

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  1. I think it's only Siamese breeds.  My Red Lynx Point is cross eyed...and I had a regular Lynx Point that was SO cross eyed that we named her "Ce" for Cross Eyed. =P

  2. Neither of my blue-eyed cats are cross-eyed,nor are all Siamese.

  3. oh now i understand, and no my blue eyed birman is not cross eyed

  4. It usually is just siamese cats. It is very common and they are prone to it. In fact, most siameses are. I have 3 siameses; a lynx-point, a seal-point, and a flame-point. All but the flame-point are cross-eyed because he is a mix. But the other two are extremely cross-eyed (they are sisters). So, to answer your question, siameses are usually the cross-eyed ones. Blue-eyed or light-eyed usually doesn't matter. If a blue or light-eyed cat is cross-eyed, it is just a coincidence.

    I hope this helps to answer your question. Have a great day!!!! :-D

  5. It was once a common thing with the breed, as they were bred to be that way.  Now it is not considered attractive but does happen occasionally from overbreeding or a throw back from the past.

    I think it's a terrible thing to breed into them.

    I WAS a breeder of Siamese.  Chocolate point, but mine were large, muscled cats and very domineering.  I actually had one attack a German Shepard - thought it was going to attack us so went on the attack instead.  Not a pretty sight. I do not breed anymore and find the heinz 57 cats much more family oriented and better pets.  Plus save a life, give a life.

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