
Sorry i got midheaven in leo can you give me the answers please to what that means?

by  |  earlier

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haha midheaven sorry just




  1. It indicates that your public life and career is one where you may demand the spotlight? You could be attracted to a career that requires acting or drama? You're career will probably fall under the category of "Entertainment."

  2. Hi s*x

    Leo in MC gives a hunger for power and fame. The entertainment industry, or occpations involving children, jewelry, etc.. are good carrers for Leo onthe 10th cusp. The creative side is highlighted and a person withthis configuratin seeks to be noticed . Show business, arts, leisure activities, fashion come under Leo. The center of stage is important and the need for recognition.

    Aquarius is on the 4th cusp indicating that the urge to break away  from established patters are developed here. We can call you the black sheep  of the family or, the eccentric one. You have your own belief as a source of inner purpose and very fixated in your positions. We can easily say that you are not easily swayed once a position has been chosen.

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