
Sorry if this sounds gross, But;, do you know where your diapers are?

by  |  earlier

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If you were born in the 70's or even some 80's and your mom used disposable diapers, then chances are your diapers are probably still out there somewhere,

Isn't that sad? Since I've been in the process of adapting to thinking green, and the things I've done in the past, for some reason this came to mind, A pre apology if I offended anyone or grossed anyone out.




  1. Anything that you ever threw in the garbage is likely still festering in a landfill somewhere. Things just don't biodegrade all that much in the anaerobic environment of a landfill.

  2. me too- my diapers were cloth

    I used cloth for my children, too.  I washed them myself, no service.

  3. No, darling, as my diapers were cloth diapers. Mommy had a diaper service, see.

  4. Gross but mom used cloth....i used diapers for my daughter.....i should talk to my mom about going back to cloth for my nephew she is raising.....i would like to live more green as well.......just for the purpose of our children and their children......thanks

  5. No, but my best bet is that they are in some landfill right now.

    I shouldn't be answering this question though. I was born in the 90's, haha.

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