I know how silly this is going to sound. I'm normally quite sensible and not at all supersticious however, lately everylady I come across that has had children before keeps telling me that they think I am going to have my baby in the next 4 weeks (I'm 33weeks) because they think I'm carrying really low. Now I've been ignoring it and ignoring it but it's getting ridiculous. These same people all suggested that they thought I was having a girl early on in the pregnancy and they were right. I tend to ignore old wives tales and stuff and really I've been carrying low the whole time. However this morning I happened to flick through the newspaper and read my star signs (I'm born on the cusp of two signs so I read them both) and I never read my star signs. Anyway would you believe that both the star signs said stuff about family stuff happening in the next four weeks. I can't remember the wording but it was kinda freaky. Like I said I'm not really into this stuff and I know it's all just silly, but does anyone actually believe in this stuff? I don't want my baby to come early, as much as I'm looking forward to her being here... What are your thoughts? Feel free to have a laugh too I know this is ridiculous but I am a first time mum and i do freak out about silly stuff now and again...