
Sorry the links didnt work. hair help pleasee?

by Guest61977  |  earlier

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okay so i love having different types of hairstyles and colors i hate just keeping it one color. so school is starting soon and i want to change it again.i want to know if it will look good with me though.

this is me-

(and i have the black under it but my hairs just a little lighter then the picture makes it look)

(and that's how i think i want it, maybe not that dark of black but defiantly the blonde i like. and i don't do my makeup like that so it wont look so emo cuz I'm definitely opposite of emo.. lol)




  1. I think you should keep the red that you have instead of the black part[[even if it isn't natural, but people kill for red hair,i have it lol]] But do the platinum blonde. It would look really good

  2. I think it would look good just plain brown, or brown with red highlights

  3. You should totally do it.  

  4. I think you'd look nice with that hair, maybe keep it that same colour as it is at the moment and get some dark brown/red highlights :)

  5. Can I just say, that your hair is absolutely beautiful! I'd kill for hair like yours. Personally, I would just put some red under the fringe part. My friend had it done before, and she has exactly the same hair colour as you. It'd look amazing :)

  6. yes it will definitley suite you! my mum used to have her hair like urs nd then funnily enough got a simular hair cut except she died it blonde and put black streaks in it looked sooo cool!! x

  7. i would get rid of the red and do the oppsite of the second pic

    do blonde with back under maybe some purple

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