
Sort of a wierd question?!!?

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ok i have 2 questions.

1. im about 5'7 and i wieght about 95 pounds???? is tht normal???

2. one of my testicles is a lil smaller than the other 1 and the thing is tht i get hit in the croth really hard and my p***s and bottom area was purple and it hurt like a son-of-a-***** the testicles is tht normal???

and i cant tell my parents about tht is h**l awkward...please help...wat should i do???

and btw i eat a lot!!




  1. It's all pretty normal.

  2. Your weight is really bad,gain some weight.

    Second one just tell ur dad

  3. Well, how old are you?

  4. 1) That can be normal for someone your may want to just ask the doctor next time you go....your metabolism will probably kick in later in life

    2) Yea thats normal....One is usually smaller than the other...sorry you got hit in the balls....that sucks!

  5. "Normal" is so overused it makes me sick.  If you feel OK at your weight then there is no problem.  If you are constantly weak or dizzy, then there is an issue and you should talk to a doctor.

    And believe me, I get the whole "parents" thing.  I couldn't talk to mine either when I was young.  As you get older, though, you realize that the subjects that you think are too weird are things that almost everybody can relate to.  Talk to them...they'll be more receptive than you realize.  Your dad (or step-dad, or other adult man you trust) will totally relate to insecurity about your nether-regions.  Sounds like it's just a bruise, though.

    And my twins aren't the same size as each other either.  Don't worry, that doesn't mean that they're broken.

  6. You forgot to mention how much exersize you get Mr. skin and bones. Thats not normal. Thats the weight of like idk and 10 or 11 year old.

  7. ok yes the right nut is bigger then the left and i assume your quite thin and just have a good metabolism so you eat alot but gain nothing.

  8. if you're a member of the living dead you're a little heavy

    testicles aren't the same size

    any injury like that isn't cool.. go beat the c**p outta whomever hit you.. then visit a free health clinic

  9. 1.  You're very slim for your height.  It's good that you eat a lot, just make sure you eat right.  Your body needs a lot of fuel during puberty.

    2.  It's normal for one to be slightly larger than the other.  As for the injury, if you were hit hard enough to cause the bruising you describe, you really should be checked by a doctor.  

    There doesn't seem to be a reason you can't tell your parents.  They'll make sure you get the treatment you need and an injury like this should be addressed sooner rather than later.

  10. 1. no, its not normal. gain some weight

    2. yeah, just a bit. one will eventually be a little elevated over the other so they don't hit each other.

  11. 1. You are underweight

    2. No it's not normal, your balls shouldn't be the same size but there shouldn't be a big difference. Stop getting kicked in the crotch.

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