
Sort of embarrassing and yet personal question!

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So I have been checking my Basel Tempature every monring because I am trying to pinpoint my Ovulation time so I can get pregnant. I have been doing this for about 3 weeks now and I also have opened accounts on and ALL websites say I am not due to Ovulate until next week (about the 3 4 5 6) SO my question is this, my (??) was watery or I guess you could say Moiste on Tuesday- cant really remember for Monday but last night I have this sticky- almost gummy discharge... was that the mucus that is explained during Ovulation? And if so, is there a high chance that I ovulated already? I had sextual intercourse last night just in case it was that- do you think Icould have possibbly had good timing and got pregnant?

Thanks for the help and sorry if the information was a little Out There!!




  1. If you are having EWCM, then you should be able to stretch it bewteen your fingers.  If it's just "wet", that's not EWCM.  

    Like the name implys "Egg White".  The CM has to have a consistancy of egg white to be considered the "fertile fluid".

    The other thing to realize is that EWCM is usually produced just before you ovulate.  On average, women in their 20's will have around 4 days of EWCM just before ovulation, while women in their late 30's might have only 1.  Then EWCM usually dries up just before ovulation.

    In any case, from what you've described so far, I don't thing you've ovulated yet.  And keep in mind that once you ovulate, the egg has to be fertilized within about 12 hours or it begins to die.  Additionally, your BBT doesn't rise until AFTER you ovulate.  So once you see that temperature rise, it's generally too late to do the baby dance.  You might want to try it one more time the morning you see the temperature rise.  But if you wait til that evening, it will be way too late.

  2. I know I ovulate earlier than most people.  Days 10 and 11 are my fertile days on a 29 day cycle.  So you could have ovulated.  Sounds like you're covered though since you had s*x just in case!

  3. possibly.  was the discharge clear? if it was clear then u ovulated

  4. I don't know about the other sites, but Your Days is based on an average, and Fertility Friend would need 2 full cycles before an accurate ovulation prediction.  I think you did the right thing by having s*x last night.  Charting your temp won't tell you when you're about to just confirms it afterwards.  I recommend getting an ovulation predictor test kit to see.  You are 3 weeks into charting....did you start at the beginning of your cycle?  How long is your cycle usually?  Taking an OPK might help you know for sure, though they usually only work the day BEFORE ovulation.

    FYI.....I sometimes get EWCM (egg white cervical mucus) a few to several days before ovulation.  It probably means that you're in your fertile period and you are leading up to ovulation.

    Best of luck and lots of baby dust!

  5. Well, your CM is an indicator of ovulation but so is alot of different factors.  What are your temps doing?  Have they stayed constnat and then suddenly dropped and then gone very high or above your coverline?  If this has happened then yes you have probably ovulated.

    The thing about doing your BBT is that you should use it in conjunction with other things as well.  I watch my CM and I also use OPK's.  The other thing is that over the next few months you will be able to tell more of when you ovulate and how regular you are.  Do you have a normal period?  

    Just using BBT is not going to help right now when you are doing it for the first time.  You need some sort of refernce.  Also, you want EWCM, like the consistency of Eggwhites to tell you are feritle.

    Hope this helps!

  6. it is possible , those websites are based on an average that everyone ovulates on day 14 of a 28 day cycle and that's not how it is every woman is different i stopped using the websites because i  found it frustrating but i would say your chances are good because you based it on your cervical mucas. good luck and let us know what happens

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