
Sos!i have trojan horse!what i do!please help!?

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Sos!i have trojan horse!what i do!please help!?




  1. Scan with any good antivirus like Kaspersky or Norton.

    Trojans are very common and ANY good antivirus will be able to remove it.

  2. Why panic? kick that Trojan Horse out of your computer. Download a free Antivirus from well known sites and your problem is solved.

  3. Hmm.  there is no way anyone can just give you some magic advice to remove it!

    you give absolutely no information at all.

    I think, in your case and with your lack of PC knowledge I would advise you to take your PC into a shop and get an expert to look at it.

    I could talk you through it but I really would still worry for you that there may be something still lurking in your PC and so you would still be in some danger.

    by the way, if you REALLY do think you have a trojan then the first thing you should be doing is disconnecting the PC from the internet!


    This is because you may well have someone connected to you right now, looking through all of your personal files and folders...or you may have a lot of folk doing the same at one time.  worse still you may have an auto uploading program on there that is taking screenshots of what you get up to every few seconds and is also logging everything you type...whilst also watching carefully for any sites you log into andd getting the login and passwords for those sites...they especially are good at watching for bank sitres and ebay,. paypal and other sites they know will get them financial rewards.

    If you are online then you are allowing this information a route back to them.

    So get offline now!

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