
Soul Calibur 4 Achievements?

by Guest44754  |  earlier

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i was looking on a website and found this bit of information:

Unlockable Create-a-Soul Items / Weapons:

* Unlock Advanced Equipment by achieving 20 achievements.

* Unlock All weapons for a character by clearing Story mode with that character.

* Unlock Animal Head Equipment by achieving 25 achievements.

* Unlock Basic Equipment by achieving 5 achievements.

* Unlock Intermediate Equipment by achieving 15 achievements.

* Unlock Leviathan and Voodoo Equipment by achieving 30 achievements.

* Unlock More Equipment by achieving 10 achievements.

what does all that mean?




  1. what this is telling u is that not all the equipment is avialable to you until you meet these requirements. Which in order to get the achievements for buying all weapons and equipments you will have to beat the game with everyone and acquire some other achievements before all the equipment is unlocked in create a character mode.

  2. This is for the 360 version of the game... if you get a certain number of the achievements for the game you'll unlock more equipment for your characters.  If you complete the story mode with a character, more weapons will be unlocked for that character.

  3. well, i dont have SC4, but, my friend does and it means that u unlock new equipment and weapons when u get a certain # number of achievements only for the 360 version. so when you get 30/50 achievements, you will unlock new armor in the char. creation.

    hope that helps!

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