
Soul connections from different generations ...?

by  |  earlier

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Firstly, I believe in soul mates and soul connections and I understand that others may not ... so I am wanting to hear from those that do. I am involved with a man who is much younger than myself (18 years younger) and we have a strong 'connection'. We have decided to not pursue a long term relationship (reasons being; age seperation, his maturation level - disbelief in soul connections and willingness to 'settle' and his family believes he should marry within his religion) but we are having a very difficult time letting each other go. Thoughts and Help Please???




  1. I am sorry you are having such a difficult time. Love can be difficult, and although it may seem unromantic, love can be fleeting. There is no big mystery here - there are other fish in the sea. I know it doesn't feel that way - sorry.

  2. Go w/ your heart (if he's @ least 18) !

  3. If you both truly love eachother then there will be a way. There always is.

  4. It sounds as if there are a lot of obstacles to overcome in this relationship.  From what you've written, he is not the right man for you.  You say yourself that he is too immature, that he doesn't have the same beliefs as you do and his family doesn't approve.  That won't change any time soon, and if he isn't standing up to his family to pursue a relationship with you, I would end it now.  And yes, 18 years is quite a disparity in age (you don't give your ages, though).

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