
Sould I get a White or Brown&White Ferret?

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The White ones are cuter but they can't see as well as the White&Brown ones cause there albino.




  1. Just because they are albino doesn't mean they can't see as well. Most DEWs are deaf, though.

    White&Brown? Which pattern are you referring to.

    You obviously do not know much about ferrets please research them first, it will make your job a whole lot easier and the ferret will not suffer.

  2. go with the one whose personality you like better. that will do you more good in the long run than worrying about the color combination. if you like the idea of cuddling a ferret a little, get a calmer one. if you like the idea of having a hyper-spaz to bounce all over you, get the class clown. (even calm ones will be hyper, but some are just more so than others.)

    as for the whole eyesight thing, it's really just a myth. white ones (either dark-eyes white or albinos) can see just fine...or at least as fine as any other normal ferret. ferrets don't generally have the best eyesight, regardless of color, and they rely more on sound and scent. so if it's ability to see was the main thing keeping you from getting a white one, rest assured, it will be able to see just fine.

    the only time color comes into play is with ferrets of blaze or panda markings...and it's their hearing which is affected then, not their eyesight. many of them are deaf due to a congenital problem called Waardenburg Syndrome.

  3. If the white ferrits cant see as well as the brown and white one i would get a brown+white ferrit. it might be easyier to spook a white ferrit since they cant see as well and if u spook a ferrit it may bite u. and that would HURT!!!

  4. You can get a white ferret with black eyes, not all of them are albino. There are a lot of different colours. If your considering getting a ferret, you should get Idiot's Guide to Ferrets. It has all the information you need PLUS descriptions of the different colours and pictures  

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