
Sound of Music: How do you spell floreline Maria?

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They sometimes called her Floreline Maria... how do you spell floraline?




  1. Fraulein.  das ist die Antwort!! Ich hoffe, dass das hilft. Ich spreche German fliessend es ist meine zweite Sprache, Sie vertrauen mir. Es bedeutet 'miss' auf Englisch

    sorry, in English it means= Fraulein, that's the answer!! I hope that helps. I speak German Fluently, it's my second language. Trust me. It means 'miss' in English

  2. It's not floreline.  It's Fraulein Maria.  It means Miss in German.  An unmarried young woman.  Pronounced Frow-Line.

  3. fraulein

  4. Florine Maria

  5. Fraulein - it means "Miss"

  6. I thought you spell it like this...Fraulein. Whatever, I like her as Mary Poppins better. :l

  7. Fraulein Maria.

  8. Fraulein Maria

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