
Sound wave vs. light wave?

by  |  earlier

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the other day i was out on the golf course when i heard a ball being hit. I was on the green, putting, and when i looked to see where the sound came from it was a group of 4 teeing off on the hole i was putting on. the thing that puzzles me is that i heard the sound of the ball being hit before the guy hitting the ball actually hit it. At first i thought i might have been a coincidence but there was nobody teeing off at any other holes around me. Then i thought i migfht have been going crazy so i asked my bros but they saw and heard the same thing. I was wondering if there is anyway that this was possible because i swearit happened.




  1. the answer is still no...

  2. What ever you heard, it was not the sound of the club striking the ball that you saw a moment later.   Where was the next tee?  It may have been close by and in the general direction of the group behind you - so that might be what you heard.  Or someone on an adjacent fairway.  But there is no way the sound of the ball strike you saw made it to you before the image did.  Sound travels about 750 mph.  Light travels about 669,600,000 miles per hour,  That's 893,000 times faster than sound.

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