
Soundproofing basement?

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I am making a gameroom/bar out of my basement and need to keep the noise from the pool table and stereo from getting up into the house. I saw some soundproofing drywall on the TV show "Flip This House" but I priced it and it's about $70 a sheet! I'll need about 15 or so sheets so it'll be too expensive. I talked to my brother who does alot of construction and he told me if I just stuff alot of pink insulation up between the ceiling/floor joices then finish the ceiling with 5/8" drywall it'll do the same thing. Is he right? I remembered-the name of the soundproofing drywall was Supress. Anybody with experience in this kind of thing please advise. Thanx!




  1. Yes, pink insulation will help.  There are other 4 x 8 sheets of sound proofing material that cost less than 20.00/sheet.  Another option would be to use a drop ceiling with acoustical panels.

  2. yes, putting insulation in the floor joists will help to deaden the sound. however instead of stuffing a lot of the pink stuff, they make a thicker insulation batting that will do the same thing and in the long run will be cheaper.

  3. In recording studios we use sound batt insulation, which is very similar to insulation used in typical construction, but engineered for sound, and sound board.  The following is an address that will help you out on the product:

    Now, I'll tell you another way to achieve the same results for less money and how to get the materials locally.  Contact you local egg supplier and buy the egg cases that are the grey paper or foam 2 dozen carriers. . . the square commercial ones.  The grey paper type are better.  Now staple them in place to the underside of the flooring between the floor joists and follow with installing the appropriate size typical batt insulation into the cavity.  Be careful not to compact or compressing it in, and foam fill any holes and penetrations for wire or plumbing.  Cover up by installing the 1/2" "Ceiling Board" type of drywall and finish.  "Ceiling Board" is the correct type of drywall to be used in sheetrocking ceilings, not typical drywall, it's a harder, more dense drywall, that has a better fire rating and it's simply the right product to use in ceilings. . . not to mention the extra density will give you what your brother was eluding to in his recomendation.

    This method I conveyed to you in the aforementioned paragraph will work excellent for your particular situation and circumstance and give you professional results.  Getting the egg cartons?  Just go to your local grocer and ask for the contact info for his supplier and give them a call.  They'll likely send in your order with the truck on the next delivery.

    Mike Lonergan

    TradesProfessional, Inc.

  4. Your brother is partly correct. But instead of using pink insulation, which is meant to be used for heating/cooling, get sound insulation such as that rigid blue foam insulation. You could also go with acoustic cieling panels instead of drywall. Talk to the people at home depot or Rona, they will be able to steer you in the right direction  

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