
Sounds crazy, but am I a psychic?

by Guest67356  |  earlier

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lately, many MANY occasions have begun to occur with me.. I was recently in a car crash with my good friend jordan, and right as i got in the car with her, i felt a sinking feeling, like everything around me just fell down.. like i knew something bad was going to happen. I just didn't recognize the feelings. There have been other occasions, but before i describe them, i want to hear what others have to say. I dont know if i believe in "psychics", but i do believe in a sixth sense, and enhanced senses. advice/opinions/help?




  1. Everyone is endowed with abilities of perception, precognitive abilities if you will.  Some however are more in-tune with them, then you have those who refuse to accept of recognize them.  

    Ever thought about someone and had them call within minutes?  These are forms of human connection, the sinking feeling is a form of self preservation.  Freud described it as the fight or flight, humans as we gained "education" stopped relying on instinct and intuition.

    The examples go on and on.

    Take a look at animals for example, they sense atmospheric changes and act accordingly, I've seen horses act wild when a storm is on the way, flies bite before rain etc...  If we were still in tune with that aspect of our nature we would never be caught out in the rain without an umbrella.

  2. NO

  3. Nope, no one is psychic

  4. No, your not crazy, in fact, your normal. How I view it is, everyone is psychic HOWEVER there are differing degrees of ones ability. It sound like you have abit of clairsentience. It would definitely be to your benefit to  obey your intuition, and to develop ones natural ability.

    Here are some websites you should check out: (simple exercises and info that I already said) (types of abilities) (about clairsentience)

    I hope that helps!

  5. No you are not psycho

  6. it happens to everbody

  7. no ur fuccin crazy thats wat u r

  8. yur a girl, therefore nothing that goes on in your head is explainable, including the feeling you got when you got in the car.

    you're not a psychic. you are a dumb-dumb

  9. I've been in the same situation. I have never been in a car accident before (one of my biggest fears). Well one morning I went to the bank and I have a cross hanging on my mirror in the front. The Cross has been in my family since forever. The cross broke and fell on he floor. But I was making a sharp turn and the cross dropped straight down. It was so weird because I have an SUV and a turn in my car moves everything towards that direction. That same day I got into my first car accident. Another time I kept having really bad dreams of wild animals attacking me for months. I'm a bartender and I told one of my customers about my dreams. She told me I have bad friends in my life and I need to let them go. That weekend I had my friends coming down from Orlando. We ended up in a big fight!!! They saw my apt in Miami, were so jealous. Even throw a rock at my window and broke it. They said, I changed and that I thought I was better then them. It was really shocking because I really loved them. When I told my other friends and my mother what happened everyone was happy. They said that there were the ones always bringing me down. Ever since that day I never had a bad dream of a bears or tigers chasing me. Another time I had a dream of my sister-in-law and bro-in-law were fighting and he hit her. I called my mother in -law, told and she was like they had a bad fight lastnite. They're getting a divorce. There's a lot more times but I'll be here all day typing. It runs in my family. My brother was 7 yrs old and kept telling my aunt that her unborn child was going to die. Everyone yelled at him my even punished him. The next month in the delievery room the baby girl die on the spot.  

  10. could be that you have some gifts, premonitions.  you just have to learn how to listen to yourself when you have them.  keep a record of things that you know are going to happen before they do.  this will help you to see.  you can also check out lillydale, and the spiritualist church nearest you.

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