
Sounds like a bad idea or good idea?

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would it be a bad idea to let my parents know that they are raising me very badly?




  1. depends what they are doing.

    please try to answer my question as well


    becuase i never got any discipline or anything

    but i have never told them

    becuase then they would start grounding me and who wants that...?

    plus itwould insult them

    but i wish they would have been a tiny bit stricter

  3. ha yea

  4. no   they should know your thoughts and opinions  

  5. Well i think parents want their children to be open and honest about everything so as long as you do it in a respectful way i think it would be a good idea!

  6. I doubt they would agree. You don't say just how you think they are raising you badly.


  8. Talk to them about your concerns, but I would blatently say they are bad.

  9. OMG,

    If i was you i would tell them..

    But think about what would happen!!!!

    You would have to do more thing in the household!!

    They might feel bad, and really be so hard on you....

    By the way, look at my video to get free games!!!!!!!

  10. If you are thinking about this issue, you probably don't need much more raising. If you do tell them your concern, dont' criticize, they'll just get mad. Say something like "I am having a hard time staying motivated to do X, it would be really helpful if you guys could do Y to help me, OR can you think of anything to help?" or "I get uncomfortable when you talk about Dad negatively in front of me, because I love you both. I know you are mad at him, but please let me stay out of fights between you two" or whatever. Stay calm, and if they are doing a bad job, realize they may not handle this well either. Be clear with yourself what you want out of it. If you are just mad and/or disappointed, it may not help to tell them what you think they are doing wrong. You may want to express your feelings and talk about any issues that are really bothering you, even though it may lead to a fight.  I told my mom I was disappointed because I felt she wasn't strong enough to help me when I was in trouble; I felt I had to protect her, and I couldn't share my problems or ask for help. I told her this years later, but it helped. My dad died before I could tell him what I was sad and angry about. You may also feel differently over time, especially when you understand the demands of adult- and parent-hood.

  11. no that is disrespectful. And if you know they are raising you badly, that is good because then you can correct the bad parenting job.

  12. well i wouldn't say that but definitely tell them how you are feeling and let them know because if you keep it bottled up one day you could burst and say things maybe you don't mean. so just let them know how you feel.

  13. In China when son or daughther speack like this to parent. we get shoot with soy sause at the childrenn.. this stink the eye and make cry..

  14. thats quite the put down

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