
Sounds like this ball support is preceded by that which can be ahead of the cube making a very tasty beverage?

by  |  earlier

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Found this horse I think will win at Hexham next Saturday. Ten points to the first one to give me the answer.




  1. tea n ice

  2. not sure about saturday but there is a nice horse running on friday @ hexam called tot o whiskey ! and thats  alovely bevarage especially the bourbon type jack daniels served with two ice cubes mmmmmmm...........  

            oh and also ice tea is running fri @ hexham but i dont drink teaor coffee

    iced tea !

  3. is it ice tea? cant see anything else

    well done loanshark a nice winner there

  4. take more water with whatever it is your drinking mate-and dont sniff too much either!

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