
Soup recipe?

by  |  earlier

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I thinking ah lentil soup with some lil dumplings, cassava cut up small, sweet potatoe, pumpkin,carrots.

Lend meh allyuh soup recipe nah.

*** doh even mention maggie flavour de pot eh ah go cuss




  1. Jules.....Ah hear bout the lentil soup but may I recommend ah split peas soup (dhal soup!). Boy, meh neighbour used to make that and it was NICCCEEEE!!! making yuh lil dumpling (corn dumpling even better and you making them thin and flat) Use a belna and roll out the thing and cut them up in nice squares. Yuh put yuh dhal to boil with some fresh seasoning yuh pick from outside the yard and yuh hadda put ah pig tail in that too (if you doh like piggy well improvise). Yuh could cuss meh, but yuh need a 2-3 maggie cube man. Ah lil golden ray and if you want to add other veges...well put that too. Let that boil and taste for flavour...add pepper and salt to suite! Trust meh Jules, yuh wants nothing with that soup after! mmmmmmm

  2. Split peas soup:

    Cowheel, pigtail and oxtail mix............add all them things yuh have they and some fresh seasoning and yuh good to go.

    Bubble like soup!

  3. boy, i cant help you dey nah.  the one and only time i cook soup it burn.  

    like i was supposed to know that ah big pot of liquid will burn.!!  and den my grandmother telling me bout if i dont know i had to turn it, soup does burn??? hello, if i did think that ah big pot of water with every vegetable imaginable and some macaroni and dumplings and what ever meat woulda burn....d POT FULL OF LIQUID!!!!! Thank god i was only bout 13 den.

    but i reallllllll like ah lentil soup, or chicken foot.  ah jules, you planning ot cook that tonight or what, cause you could pressure d chicken foot and add it to d lentils you know...nice.  call meh, i coming for dinner.

  4. Split pea is my fav(yellow). I will usually put the peas in a pressure cooker and let them burst after that I'll add a littlle more water and let the peas cook some more(20mins or so). Then start adding all my veggies and dumpling along with my seasoning and a little butter and let it cook for about 15 mins more. I like to add a little ham in it as well. When you supposed to be cookin dis food. Yuh get up with soup on yuh brain??

  5. nah dhal soup is the best.

    with some cassave, macaroni(yes macaroni) dumplin, grren fig, chicken, carrots, pimento, typical seasoning, and no maggi flavour doh worry, cuz that soup aint go need no more flavour than dat. i doh even use dat when i do cook)

    no u have me feelin for soup... steups...

  6. Lentil Soup or Sancoche(sp) is best when tinged with pepper! All I need is the lentils, pumpkin, carrots, pimento, onions, garlic, fresh shadow beni and chive and pepper.  DOh let it get too thick eh and the posse coming over with dey bowls!!!
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