
Source of art subject ??

by  |  earlier

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i dont know. So i need ur help.

What do you think? hu~

explain plese,,, thank you




  1. Don't you know the sources of ART Subject? Same way, I don't know what you meant by your asking! If you had had ask really in a plain way about the "sources of art-subject" then I should say, "EVERYTHING in front of YOU" are/ could be the source of art subject, truly speaking. As for example, you see a chicken in front you! This 'chicken' could be the source of your art-subject! If you're a painter, you can draw a sketch, an oil-painting etc; if you're a sculptor, you can create a sculpture with clay or cutting stone, a chicken! If you're a writer, you could write a story on that chicken ( A tremendous poetry was composed on a rook, by the famous poet, Shukanta, at his early age. Though he died at the age of 21 only :-( , yet he became so popular, so famous & so rebellious personality of the then British-India!)

    Lastly, if you're a cook, you can prepare a mouth-watering recipe with that chicken, never forget, cooking is an art too!  I'm afraid, I could make you understand or whether I failed to understand your question! Good luck & wish your satisfaction from other answerers.

  2. creationism ... mans creation vs God's creation ... could go eitherway on the religion thing ...

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