
South Africa, how do you cope with inflation?

by Guest45424  |  earlier

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South Africa, how do you cope with inflation?




  1. Ask for a raise at work.

    If that does not work cut expense like cellphone, ds-TV and drive less.

  2. I don't really

  3. Cut unnecessary expenses, stick to a budget, seek out better deals, car pool, use public transport, take lunch instead of buying lunch, invest in your future and that of your children, become financially wise.

  4. It is getting more and more difficult Hennie. We stopped buying all the luxuries and buy fewer take aways and restaurant visits are also less frequent than before. In an around the house we try and save energy/water and it becomes easier when you put your mind to it. We waist a lot of things and it is a good habit to come into a saving mode. It works and we can do it.

  5. We have no debt and do not buy things on debt/credit except for properties. I think debt contribute to inflation, I am not an economist, but that is what I think.

  6. I dont care about things like inflation i just love my country south africa

  7. Cut on everything.  The power you do not have to worry about because that is done for you.

    Pay cash. If there is no cash to buy it stay without it.

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