
South Africa, what pets do you have?

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Honest answers please.. lol

I have a cat and two Netherland Dwarf rabbits.

They are so cute!




  1. A hippo, a rhino and a leopard. (I live in Madikwe).

  2. Two Lions, a generationgiodal primate and several black people.

  3. we have normal domestic pets i assure you - unless you live on a farm, then its livestock - woohoo.... heee

  4. A Dogo Argentino.

    (and since I live in the bush, tons of snakes and scorpions in the garden)

  5. Not anymore. But in the past I've owned, dogs, cats and mice.

  6. Looking after myself is all the responsibility I need. . .

  7. I have got a baby anaconda she is about 2 1/2feet long.

  8. Three Cats and a R600 cat food bill per month.

    They were my dads cats and when he died I assumed responsibility for them

  9. I got many of fish...

    Im now trying to get a tortoise or 3...seriously...

    if anyone knows where i can get some , let me know...

  10. A two legged boyfriend that is quite obedient and knows how to use the loo.....

    I used to have a Maltese poodle, she died after 10 years, then a long line of other's that also perished through the years. Had dogs since age 6 to 21. Planning on getting another 2 once my son is 2 or 3 (I wish I could have 8, I love dogs)...I miss having one, actually I miss all my dogs. They were all special and different in their own unique ways and bring a lot of love into ones life. Dog owners live longer you know!


    Gee Pixel, what a mix... I'm sure a lot of furniture got broken on occassion

  11. I have a jack russel, still a puppy but busy she makes me tired just looking at her

  12. 2 dogs Beagles

  13. An Eliphant and a rhino.

  14. Sadly I had a cat.

    I have two naughty budgies. Their cage door is permanently open. They have their own fountain to play and bath in. I have cut tree branches and wedged them between most doorways for them to land on.(I am just a guest, they own the place)

    Oh I forgot...I have a big kitchen spider called Blacky. I moved quite a few years ago and decided to catch him and take him along. He would have been 'doomed' by the new tenants.

  15. We have 4 cats, all male and neutered, named, Jinx, Titan, Gato and Spike.

    We also have a hamster that we got as a 'TV' for the cats, but they weren't interested. Now it's my hubby's pet. Her name is Ounooi.

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