
South Africa ... murder rates - did you know?

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in 2005- 13000 (thirteen thousand) people were murdered in USA

POPULATION 304,367,000 (Three hundred and four million)

calculations on their stats shows

5.7 murders per 100 000 people = 17349 people were mudered in 2006

in 2007- 32000 (thirty two thousand) people were murdered in South Africa

POPULATION 43,700,000 (43 million)

anyone who says crime is not a problem is ignoring the statistics.




  1. Yip have to agree with you. Government is denying that we have a problem. Should crime be closer to our leaders and their families before they listen? We are close to a point of no return.

  2. dalla, wysraak en voortje, os is swaar in os gedagte! Hier is die wilde tuin waar die mense altyd baklei, van dag en aan met die gun skietery!

  3. I have been staying this for a while now and so have most people on this forum. Sadly there are some people who choose not to look at the stats and provide us with the "it's fine" approach when it comes to crime it is not fine.

    Being a proud South African is admitting that there are problems and dealing with them. Not hiding behind closed doors and pretending like SA is wonderful. I know the nature is wonderful but the crime and the corruption of the government over shadows it's beauty!

    Thanks Bean for the evidence of this! :)

  4. I agree and the issue should be adressed violence is a habit the nation has embraced after the xenophobic attacks i feel that i wasted my tears when they were undergoing apartheid why is there so much hate in their hearts and i dont mean all of them

  5. As you say, bean, it's a problem. A massive problem. Anyone who says it isn't needs his head read. And what do Mbeki and the chief of police do? Nothing! And yet I'm still in the country. Maybe I need my head read.

  6. nobody ever said crime is not a problem, unless you are a polititician.

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