
South Africa or comfort?

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I need urgent help from all the South Africans on here. I have been offered a good job at UNISA in Pretoria just today. I've been in Korea for 7 years now and want to leave at the end of my contract, so I can start over in South Africa. Only problem now is that the school will not let me leave in such short notice. Also. I have some bad experiences in Pretoria. Like getting my freekin' ankle cut off from some a$$ that robbed me. I NEED HELP IN MAKING A DECISION. Do I s***w the school here in Korea or do I finish honorably and take my chances back in South Africa with no job? Well, not NO JOB, but no luxury!




  1. Sorry I cant give you an answer to that... I'm too mesmerized by that little angel in your avatar :)

  2. Sorry I cannot help you make such an important decision.  You do not say when your contract would be ending?  Also, would it be possible to take up the job at Unisa with a few months´ delay? These are just thoughts that go through my head.  I have no idea what it is like to live in Pretoria, nor whether Korea is the place you want to spend more time because you "may" be offered a better post next year.

    I understood from your previous postings that you would be happy to return to SA. Would you rather teach in SA or in Korea?  There must be a HUGE difference in the kind of children you have to teach? And the level of discipline and the disciplinary methods you are allowed to apply? These are all points that you will have to consider.

  3. I agree with Heavy  -  and as Cakes said we can't decide for you, if you feel you have a better future you should stay, and if not, come back  -  we all love SA for better or for worse

  4. Porgie I think listen to Heavy d, pray to God to show you the right way, I think you must come back to your family and your country. You are so fortunate to get a job here I think that alone is a sign that you must come back. Turniton is married to an Italian and lives in Italy, your family here misses you. Come back. Korea is not a place for a sane person.

  5. I dont envy you given that your ultimate intention is to return to South Africa. I wouldnt do anything that is dishonourable but go and put the best case forward you can to your school.If it was meant to be well then.......

    What I read is the dilemma that many South Africans overseas must face. They know the situation in the Country but it is the land of their birth so do they take the chance. I think Turniton wrote once that he had to return on a few occasions before he finally got the message so maybe he will guide you.

  6. Like Cakes said we can't make the decision for you. This is all part of life - making huge decisions.

    You seem keen to return to SA, but then you also say you have had some bad experiences in Pretoria (sounds terrible).

    There is a lot you have to think about here, as you say you love teaching. So weigh up the pros and cons of both countries and there situations see which one is better suited for you!

    Listen to you heart - the bigger the risk the bigger the reward.

  7. What ever you decide doesn't mean that it has to be forever. You know what Korea has to offer and you know what SA has to offer. Just trust your gut feeling. Nobody knows what the right choice is. Listen to the little voice and trust your feelings. If it doesn't work out in SA you can always go back to Korea. The right opportunity will happen at the right time. I truly believe that things happen for a reason. I personally wouldn't break my contract. You never know if you will need them again. If you leave Korea try not to burn any bridges.

  8. Porgie, come back home. Its people like you who can give South Africa a good image & help restore its morality.

  9. Hi Porgie ! Well ,one cannot always make a decision with your head ,sometimes you've got to listen to your heart as well ! The best advise I can give you is to ask the Big Man above to help you make the right decision . It has always worked for me . Sterkte boeta !

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