
South Africa vs Botswana - which would you choose and why?

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Propelle - dude! Whats itching in ur @ss? Just coz I'm a few shades lighter dont mean I'm not black. Ke moTswana seo koena, lerata go bogisa batho man, sies! Get a hobby or something please! I'm a black South African also concerned about the state South Africa is in. I'm not safe in my own home because of violence and I dont ignore the fact that some white's may think of blacks in a negative way, but its not all. As much as not all black Africans are reason for SA's downfall. We just happen to be unfortunately blessed with a bad bunch for government. Anyway, who are you to tell me I cant come into Bots? Where the h**l are you from...can you even read SeTswana? Nkarabe abuti




  1. A close call between Botswana and Namibia, South Africa is not even in the running.

  2. all you guys hate black pple from your guts and dream of Botswana. Ur even not ashamed y d u want to go where black pple are. go to Europe every thing is just fine. London is fine USA. Botswana has 2mil pple and Namibia is nearly 3Mill so they dont need more than that. you want to call black pple savages again not anymore buddy! am tired of u guys ranting about SA i guess u will do the same for Botswana and Namibia. we can solve our own problems with out being called stupid and less than human. Australia is a nice country move there oh and new zealand and join the hate black pple clan.

  3. To be honest,

    I am considering relocating to Bots.

    Fantastic wildlife there.

    Just need to find a job.

  4. South Africa has the highest crime rate in the whole world, the criminals don't value a person' life.  You get killed for a lousy cellphone! No control of immigrants, anyone can get a citizenship, the president is foolish, the government is s******g the people. the petrol price increase every two months on Wednesday. The rand is weaker compared to the Botwana's currency.  The prisons are full in SA because there's no death sentence. A normal person can not burn a child alive in a microwave oven, and yes it ahppened in one of the towns in SA during a farm attack. A mob raping a 12 year old girl and cutting her throat. SA makes me sick. Tax is too high in South Africa.  food is expensive unless you earn USDollars, Tourists are getting killed for their credit cards, cameras and wallets.  Botwana is better. Even Namibia.  But South Africa is a crazy place. 2010 world cup will be a disaster! It's a pity, it's one of the most beautiful country but it's beaty has been taken away by the government, the criminals and the illegal imigrants who sell drugs, bomb ATM machines, building shacks all over, druging the youngsters, and the locals who are doing the worst crimes you'll ever think of.  P.S Mr. lousy President Mbeki, I HATE YOU!

  5. I have never been to Bots, but I have friends living there (ex SA) and will never come back. The only problem is obtaining citizenship; it is very hard to get.

  6. I would not choose Botswana, but rather Namibia. Lived there as a child and I miss it terribly. Also my hubby's sister farms there, so if we had to leave SA, we'd go to Namibia.

  7. If south africa is such a bad place  why do thousands of people risk their lives just to get here?

    Ask not what your country can do for you etc.

    Would botswana be as good as it is ,if it did,nt have this wonderful country to come to for many of its needs?

    I think not.

  8. Bots is a great place. Travel there a few times. The country is beautiful, less crime, stable currency. I would love to go there but for the simple fact that they have only on airline my chances of getting a decent job there is slim. That is the only reason why I would say South-Africa.

  9. Have never been to Botswana but my husband does a lot of business there, I speak under correction but I believe AIDS has nearly halved their population. It is apparently very difficult to obtain citizenship there. But they have a strong leader, hardly any inflation and their money, think it is the p**a have been stable for years. They have the death sentence, crime is less, I would love to go and have a look there. It sounds good!

  10. I would say South Africa. There are so much to see in that country.

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