
South Africa: when did it hit you that your not a child anymore?

by Guest44524  |  earlier

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As soon as I got my National Insurance Number I realised I am not a kid anymore. My father too realised that I am "growing up" fast!!

When did it hit you that your not a child?




  1. The day that I got onto the train to Potch for 2 year compulsory military service. It was like a rude awakening. You had to look out for yourself, do your own washing, ironing and cleaning around you. However, that made us men.

  2. I had my ID card in school already.  But, when my father "kicked" me out of the house, I realised very quickly that I was not a child anymore.  He gave me R100,00 and said I should go off to Cape Town and look for work!!  When one is dependent upon ones own wiliness to survive, then one grows up very quickly.

  3. I think that moment for me was when I had to move away from home due to work at the beginning of the year. Mummy wasnt around anymore to consult on decisions that I had to make quickly.

    Although I still act like a child when I get home, I like my room the way I left it and she still has to make me all my favourite dishes and dessert. Also when I get sick she has to come doctor me in a different city. Yeah Yeah I'm a spoilt brat.

    hee hee

  4. My first landing in Asia and I was alone in the midst of millions people, only me looking different. Then I decide I have to behave like a grown up.

  5. When i got my first pay  -  and in cash as well  -  that i could spend anyway i wanted to, i just paid a little for boarding, no dept to pay, no food (I still lived in my parent's house) i just bought clothes, books  and music

  6. Sometimes I think I'm still a kid and i'm 21.

  7. At fifteen on a building site when I picked up my first one hundredweight bag of cement, bit of a shellshock.

  8. i will never grow up, will always be a kid haha,

  9. Tommorow

  10. When I had a big decision to make and my mother told me that no matter who says what, it is my decision to make. And nobody can stop me.

  11. it still hasn't

  12. The first time the cashier at the Pick n Pay called me "Oom" - man that sucked - it is one of my worst memories ever...

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