
South African Theme Day: Good or Bad?

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Ferrari man came up with the idea of a theme day as far as I could figure. Wasn't this brilliant? This section came from 70 questions to 112 in one day! If we keep this up, we might be recognized by Yahoo and get our flag up! But then again, do we really want a lot of questions and no real answers? I remember when we had fewer question and a lot more debate.




  1. Theme day is great! I answered so many q's today. Inno made a very good point, imagine how many people came to this section and thought all South Africans just fight with each other all day long. . .

  2. I like the idea, it attracts others as well, and one don't have to answer or ask about the theme, and sometimes, we do get 'unreal' answers anyway, so lets try and get our flag up there

  3. I have had such a busy day and did not have sufficient time to give a nice lengthy answer

  4. It was an excellent idea, brilliant, but I did NO work all day and will have to work tonight at home..........I think we had brilliant answers Porgie, really, and lets face it the debates turn into full scale fights, peoples feelings get hurt, sometimes good clean fun is better than fighting.

  5. I think it's brilliant! It's really brought up the spirit's in the forum today! It's baie lekker hehe!!

    Keep it up all..!! :)

  6. I say it is good but does all the Q's have to be on the topic because today was that way?

    A didnt see any arguments today but think they will come with the right topics. We should agree before such day that no-one will report!!!!!!!!

  7. Porgie, if we DID get recognised by Yahoo, then many more South Africans would be using the dot co za section.  So we would be having many more postings.  

    Do you think it is a good idea to post ALL our questions in the SA travel section?  And each time someone asks "what does this have to do with SA?", we reply that this is the only site for us, and we want opinions and replies from South Africans.

  8. I reckon once a week is good, I really didn't get much work done today.....

    As regards debate, sentiments in South Africa have shifted from when I joined the forum, there are far fewer proudly South Africans and crime denialists than there were then, so when everyone comes to there senses and the deluded are awake, who do you debate or argue with other than a few die hard liberals and African nationalists whose stance cannot be changed?

    Apparently Theme Day will in future only be on Mondays and Wednesdays but that is still to be confirmed.

  9. I didn't want to say it out loud, but I thought there were too many questions. I couldn't give each question the time it deserved. I think it would be better if everyone asked only 1 question, 2 tops. It was fun, but overwhelming.

  10. Hi Porgie!

    I'd like to give my honest opinion about other SA related Q's... I find it tedious and maybe confusing for the askers at times. South Africans have many personal feelings and opinions on SA and they tend to be conflicting. If I was an outsider asking about SA and got the Alf vs Ayiza saga I'd be beyond floored. I wouldnt know who to believe. Most questions recieve that one asnwer that gives them all the info they need and I find it rather boring to have to say the same thing as the contributor above me or copy past info they could've just as well found using Google. They range from truly sincere to totally absurd... eg. How do I repel lions in South africa / how many countries ae in South Africa or do South African men have black skin.... yasee! The things one reads here are enough to send one rolling  home in laughter. I dig the idea of having a "theme day", we get to know each other and the different lifestyles that make us the diverse nation we are... So good on Theme day

  11. its a gud idea but I fear that we are going to be lacking in substance.

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