
South African men, do you mind if your wife or girlfriend insist on driving?

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South African men, do you mind if your wife or girlfriend insist on driving?




  1. Insists.

    Not at all, she knows Taiwan much better than I do, and if she wants to take the wheel of the SUV, I just sit in the back like a lord! Lol!

  2. My wife is a good driver, for a girl that is, however, I never let her drive if we are both in the car. To think of it, i cant remember when last i sat in the passenger seat and let her drive

  3. My boyfriend would rejoice if he didnt have to always be behind the wheel, especially if we're travelling long distance. So ja, on behalf of him, I say he does ant me to always drive....

  4. I really hate driving, any distance, I usually try as far as possible to bribe or convince my wife into driving but usually end up doing all the driving myself anyway.

    I should have instructed her from day one that should she marry me, she would as a compulsory requirement be compelled to perform all the driving work in our marriage.

  5. I would never insist, but my boyfriend always prefers to have me driving so that he could sit back and enjoy his beer if it is driving for leisure. When in a hurry on under unsafe road conditions then he duly takes over the responsibility.

  6. neither of us like driving , i hate it and usually through some bribery get her to drive, when going to parties , etc , i drive to the place and she becomes the designated sober driver to drive back home , we have a policy , If "you" want to go to a certain place , you drive...besides my girlfriend is a very good driver , i only feel safe when either she or my dad is driving , im very edgy when others drive...

  7. My bf loves it when i drive he always says he's on holiday. However I'm not allowed to touch the wheel if we heading the long road somewhere

  8. My husband is always glad when I drive, he is not a "long distance" driver, and feels sleepy behind the wheel.  It is more like him begging me to drive, than me asking him if I may drive.

  9. No not at all, especially at night, I'm a bit night blind.

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