
South Africans living outside South Africa, what food do you enjoy the most?

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In your new country of abode, that you could either NOT obtain or was ridiculously expensive in South Africa?

I love cherries, fresh cherries, canned cherries, sour morello cherries. I did not miss asparagus in SA because we grew it on our little farm. And cheese, we can buy Gouda for 4,50 Euros a kg on special.

What great things do you enjoy?




  1. Cakes cheese is not cheap in SA anymore. R50/kg is a good price these days. When I lived in the UK I always went to Edinburgh to buy date balls it was 1 pound for 1. I can buy them in SA for R25 for 18 but for some reson I dont buy them anymore. Can remember Savana 10 pounds for 6. Biltong 75 pounds/kg.

  2. Asparagus is available readily here, as well as lovely mangoes - much better than what SA has. Also, watermelons are much more reasonable here than back in SA.

    Cat: Langoustines.

  3. fried worms

  4. Also cherries :-) I can get such nice big bags of fresh cherries at a pretty reasonable price.

  5. Fish , deep fried , grilled ,baked , Sushi or steamed fish with my favorite vegetables with a touch of black pepper and salt ,wrapped in a banana leave.I usually cap it of with a hot cup of Earl Grey.Luckily I loved fish back home  and I am in a fish loving country so I don't miss much.

  6. Dates and anything to do with dates. I live close to some date fields and get to eat and take as many l can carry off, for free.

  7. I love the desert you get in the UK most of this we could either never buy in Zim or it was way to expensive.

    If I leave the UK I will miss the chocolate the most! hehe

  8. moved to Holland 6 years ago from Malawi, was born in Lesotho (we used to do a lot of shopping in SA);

    and I think in SA with its diversity we could get almost everything you can get here, if not more (especial fresh fruit at reasonable price).

    However, Holland, you speak of cheese; Gouda is a Dutch (city) standard. I love the variety of cheeses available here. Especially the 'old' cheeses, which I can not remember having in South Africa, nor Malawi or Lesotho.

    I used to love to yoghurt here as well (had not had as good anywhere), however, now this and so many products becoming 'fat free' and 'sugar free', it has lost a lot of quality.

    I must not forget the weed here... lovi'it.

  9. ALS its "All Gold"

    I dont miss anything yet ... but Im sure I will when I leave. I would probably miss MSG (Aromat / Steers Salt) since I think its banned in other countries

  10. Lol Cakes I have to agree with you I love Cherries and Strawberries,here in the UK they are so cheap at the Market,I always buy them on Market days but they do not last long in my House,cause him in doors eats everything before I even had a chance,so now I buy two lots and hide mine.xxxx

  11. Where we live sea food is cheap! So we have lobsters and prawns quite often for supper. We get these huge lagostines (Hennie some help here sp???) for less than R17/kg. Beef is a once a week meal. We pay about R100/kg for a cheap cut.

    *** Thanks Hennie couldn't quite get it.

  12. Let me answer anyway, student life characterised with misusing money. I have find myself stuck with lucky star fish with chillies which I miss now. Hooked by friends. And I liked crosse and blackwell mayonaise, old gold tomato sauce instead of ketchup. lol

    hahahahahahaha BEAN. Thank you very much. That thing taste better than ketchup.

  13. Well I am not a South African so this is the other side of the coin.

    When I lived there I really enjoyed lamb. Here in Canada I would have to ransom my two first born to get it and, Woe is me! I only have one child. :o)

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