
South Osettia and it's right to independence ?

by Guest59255  |  earlier

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Right, so as far as I can understand, from what I have read on the BBCnews site, and Wikipedia, South Osettia held a referendum and decided that it wants independence from Georgia.

Georgia responded by attacking South Osettia, which had a 'de facto' independence since the 1900's. (The only change is that now it would have become official). Russia stepped in to protect South Osettia from the attack by the Georgian military. (Many Russians are currently living in South Osettia, and Russia is doing no less than defending it's citizens, and South Osettians right to self determination)

The United Nations states that it's a fundamental right of all peoples to self determination (as a group).

My question then:

Why is everyone angry at Russia, and why will the EU, and the US, and many other countries not recognize or accept South Osettian independence?

As for the elections, they were monitored by several European Union countries (France, Germany, etc amongst them, so large names, large countries!) and nobody said they were in any way unfair.




  1. Georgians should say thanks to Gamsakhurdia their first president. The guy who have canceled autonomy of Abkhazia, Osetia and Ajaria, right after Georgian independence from USSR. Also he has denied their right to be 'nations' (even minorities), so Sukhumi (Abkhaz capital) university was closed by Gamsakhurdia decree.

    So Abkhaz said f**k Georgia, we are independent. Small Osetia said yeah, and me too. And then tiny Ajaria said and me, me too!

    So Georgia has driven tanks and have lost. Rebels however, have used an opportunity to get rid of georgians living in their lands.

    Right for independence is subjective thing, it depends on point of view. But degree of hatred between rebels and georgians is so high, they can not peacefully coexist. They should be separated for a dozen of years, until pain and sorrow are forgotten.


  2. Because Russian forces are advancing into Georgia. If your defending your defend you don't attack.

  3. If only it were as simple as you make it out to be. Does their independence mean being absorbed into Russia? Does it mean booting or cleansing out all of their thousands of pro-Georgian citizens? When I look into the eyes of Russia I see KGB, not a kind soul. Comparing this situation to Kosovo is like comparing apples to oranges.

  4. if Russians were not backing any separatism in Georgia everything wld be ok.

    what u think in anyone supporst any conflict znes in different country, every1 wld stand for it and say they want to declare independance, besides Russian media works with them perfectly. they broadcast whateva the Russian Government wants good eg, ->

  5. The fact that a region or area has a referendum and decides it wants 'Independence' doesn't make it happen ! If Scotland decided it wanted to 'break-away' from the U.K. and this could cause problems for english people living there, I think the U.K. Govt. i.e. troops would be used. Think the Ireland problems, the Basque separatists, etc. It's a complex situation but the U.N. is toothless, so Russia did what it felt was right, as would U.S. if in a similar position.

  6. coooool!  we'll have 51 states!

  7. if the US and EU could recognize Kosovo

    then russia feels it could recognize South Ossetia

    its only fair, its just that America has forgotten that russia is still a power, and now everyone is surprised at Russia's blunt move

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