Does anyone know how to check bills from South West Water?I am a carer expected to pay almost £700 a year with only state benefits to live on.I have worked all my life and am bringing up a family. S.W.W frequently turn the H20 off without notice and the filth that follows from the taps is disgusting,there is no recompense and I was refused a complaints form!!. I can't pay these extortionate amounts and they tell me to install a meter.However this is only financially beneficial for a person living alone.There are 3 in this household, I have a young daughter, so this suggestion makes finances worse and is of no assistance to those living in poverty due to illness beyond their control.Can anyone tell me how I can check the annual assessment as I have not seen another person with such a huge water tarriff..Are there any grants for carers to help pay their water ?and most importantly can I report their intimidating letters to any authority as they make me sick with anxiety and worry