
South africa are unbeateble at rugby?

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the springboks are unbeateble not any team can match them what do u think no insults alowed.




  1. Ahem! no such thing as unbeatable team!

  2. they were beaten on 1 st December by the barbarians. i was there.

  3. i doubt they could give a club side a gam eif they had to play league as its a different sport

    so maybe you could alter your boast and put UNION at the end

    good side and can play open rugby at times hope one day you get to see and play league at the top level

  4. The All Blacks might have choked at the World Cup (again) but they've had the Springbok's number well and truly for the last four years. I'm picking SA come last in the Tri-Nations this year if the ELVs are used because the changes are more suited to the All Blacks and Wallabies styles of play than the Boks. If the ELVs aren't used the ABs will still be too strong.

  5. When was the last time the beat the New Zealand All Blacks ?

    I think the last time they played the ABs, the ABs beat them. And the test before that, and the test before that ?

    Mmm . . . maybe not unbeatable. But a great team.

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