
South african lottery scam?

by Guest66779  |  earlier

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yesterday i got an email saying that i won 1.7 million dollars from south africa, me being so stupid and vulnerable i gave them my name and address, phone number and where i worked, can they steal my identity with this information. and sense i opened the email they sent me can they nic my computer or my email...???help plzz




  1. You already realise you made a mistake so here's what to do next. go to this site it will help you with info on what to do when you have fallen for a scam. Goodluck.

  2. If you click on the below link this site has an online form where all scams and frauds can be reported.  It also gives advice on what steps to take once you have divulged your personal details to scammers.  There is also some excellent advice on what you can do to achieve a spam free inbox in the future :

  3. whut do u mean they (nic) your coumputer?

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