
South <span title="africa......................?">africa......................</span>

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i was just wondering..if you know about british imperialism and stuff...are some white africans racist against the black african americans or vice versa?

remember im asking if SOME are not ALL.

i was just curious because i learned about this in school.




  1. Yes... Most white people in South Africa are racist. Most would deny in public that they are, but privately, when they are amongst people they know, they would admit being racists.

  2. I think confused is confused

    He himself is a racist

    Yes some are, as in your country ,you get it everywhere

    The cause of it is intollerence we differ to match, as you get it in low class, meduim class and high class society, will you classify that as racism?

  3. I live in South Africa for years and years, I have never met a Black African American here, but know a lot of Xhosas, two Zulus, 2 Tswanas and plenty of South Sotho speaking people.

  4. Yes some whites hate every one who is not white and christian.

  5. Surely you have learned from the brainwashing at school that only Whites can be racist even although the opposite happens to be factually correct. Colonialism was the best thing that ever happened to Africa and saved them from wiping themselves out through Wars and disease.Nowadays they have re-written history to make it look like they are victims so they can continue with the everlasting begging.

    Flower Child - You really need to bone up on the history of Africa.The Colonials had no prior knowledge about minerals etc when they set off on their exploits.They were discovered after they arrived and being technically advanced on Africans they could put them to good use. Another point you miss is that African Chiefs were besotted with the inventions that the White man brought and were willing traders including their own tribesmen and women as slaves. This modern day PC position that the Blacks were robbed is a load of c**p used incessantly by them as a rod to beat the White man and pursue his guilt ridden conscience to fill up their begging bowls.We owe them nothing as they were well rewarded for their minerals which they had no clue what to do with. Even todat they sit on their lazy a sses unwilling to work for anything. As for Christianity I think you will find more Islamists in Africa but nevertheless what is wrong with the great explorers of the time such as Livingstone bringing them education and the word of God?

  6. Yes, some whites are racist. And like others have said, they always publicly deny it. But they are racist.

  7. In South Africa, racism is normal as buying a candy. The worst I could never imagine. I find it too stupid.

    Lise, you were born in South Africa and only know 2 zulus and sothos, hahahahahhahaha, U guys are funny.

  8. I would think it would be blacks are more racist to the whites.

    seeing as whites took over their land and all the murders to the white famers.

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