
Southern Magazine Promotions...?

by  |  earlier

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Has anyone ever delt with them before? I'm having alot of problems, I never ordered magazines and they are making me pay $758 for them...I NEVER did this. I asked for proof and she can't give it to me...has this happened to anyone? Or has anyone ever delt with them?




  1. You're being scammed.

    Call the Better Business Bureau (dial information and tell them where you live to get the correct number) and report to them what is happening.

    I subscribe to a lot of magazines and when I receive "bills" like you describe, I also contact the magazines to let them know what is happening. This way, you can also arrange to pay the magazine directly and skip the scuzzy middle-man trying to steal your money. A telephone number to contact sales service can usually be found in the front of the magazine in the list stating the owner, publisher, editors, etc. or at the very bottom of the Table of Contents.

    Meanwhile, ignore this bill for $758.

    In your case, it would be wiser to pay nothing at all and let all the magazines you subscribed to from this outfit lapse. Wait about a month and start over by ordering directly from each magazine, unless you've already made payment arrangements when you notified them about the scam.

    My best to you!

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