
Soviet Union or n**i Germany?

by Guest58552  |  earlier

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I dont follow none and never will.

If you were in a wealthy or middle class family and war is far from you where would you prefer it to be.

n**i Germany or Soviet Russia?

And why?

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Just a video I recomend.




  1. While neither is a good, quality choice, I'd go with n**i Germany.  At least there, you were allowed to keep your money.  In Stalin's Soviet Russian the government would take all of your money and leave you empty handed.  At least in Germany, you were still somewhat free to move about -- meaning, you could move to the country and avoid the cities where bombings were taking place regularly.

  2. If i was a weathlty person i would rather be n**i germany because the n***s werent communisnst they were scocialist so rather n**i

  3. This may sound racist but,i rather stay at the soviet union because they are our allies.n**i germany on the other hand did not tolerate other races besides the germans not jew germans but regular germans.If i was staying at germany i would have been taken away and put into a death camp.

  4. n**i Germany any day.  Even near the end of the war life for the average German was better off then in the SU.  Of course I would have chosen an area in western Germany such as Munich where little bombing occurred and was in the allied sector after the war.  Stalin prior to WW 2 murdered more people then the Nazies did and right after WW 2 had another mass murdering purge.  Most people do not know this but just prior to Stalin's death in about 1953 he was getting ready for a third purge and guess what - it was designed to wipe out European Jewry.

  5. its hard to say, stalin was so bad some of the soviets saw hitler coming as a good change.

    circa WWII both were terrible war machines

    n***s had evil intent. But Stalins feed the people to the machine approach ended up killing way more people.

    i dont get your question actually.

  6. I think it's safe to assume that the people who answered n**i Germany are not:

    - Jewish

    - Gypsy

    - Disabled

    - g*y

    - Slavic

  7. The only choice is the Soviet Union because the war came to all of Germany

  8. I would probably choose n**i Germany, during that time period the people in Germany were prospering quite well. In Russia things were the same as always in war time, people were going hungry, things like rubber and iron becoming hard to find etc.

  9. There were no wealthy or middle class families in Soviet Russia-they had all been eliminated or forced to emigrate.

    In n**i Germany most of the population were considered middle class and there were many wealthy families.

  10. I'm still a little kid so I prefer Soviet Russia. Simple because Germany at last defeated by Russia. hehehe

  11. If i was a weathlty person i prefer n**i Germany, n**i not same with communist.

    I don't like n**i and pure communism.

  12. My choice would be Soviet Union. At least it does not tell you to wipe out other races. Unlike n**i, Soviet Union kinda contributed to the world (Of course it committed a lot more crimes, yes) To gain support from the world(especially from 3rd world), Soviet Union somewhat helped indutrizing, modernizing Asian + Middle East states.

  13. The first one.  You had a chance to acheive a high standard of living, with a lot of vacation time.  Starvation/poverty would have been rare, compared to Soviet land.  And, there was probably a more varied cultural life than in Soviet Russia.

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