
Soybean powered car?

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So, hey. What's there to know about a soybean powered car?




  1. Soybean can make a great biodiesel but it can be also used for spray foam for you house

  2. Great novelty. But not a long term significant development. IMHO

  3. Diesel engines will run on soybean oil but diesel is cheaper.

  4. its basically a diesel vehicle... only different is a it is run on biodiesel and not conventional diesel which is a form of oil and less refined gasoline. However, unless a there is some sort of specific deisel made for soy beans any diesel vehicle can run on it ... also they can run on peanut oil...

  5. I burn used soybean oil. Work fine,if you heat it to 170 degrees before injection pump.

  6. They are basically bio-diesel cars.  Most newer diesels take very little to convert to bio-diesel use.  It's not a standard fuel so you will have to search for a local source.  It makes it harder to travel long distances since you won't have many stations that can offer you fuel.

  7. Soybean oil makes great biodiesel.
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