
Soylent Grey, food crackers made of garbage. Is it possible ?

by Guest44831  |  earlier

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Soylent Grey, food crackers made of garbage. Is it possible ?




  1. How about we try to eat whats on our plate hmmmmm...... Just like Grandma use to say...... Before we try to turn garbage into a cracker!

    September 1, 1999. . . Too often, too many families are tossing perfectly good food into the garbage can. Edible food is also lost in staggering amounts at restaurants, grocery stores, and even on the farm itself, according to a recent federal report. In Oregon, some progress has been made in recovering usable food from restaurants, wholesalers, and retailers. But there is much room for improvement in the home.

  2. i'm sure its possible,, but wouldn't be very healthy without some sort of chemical additive

  3. I think we're more likely to come up with a fusion engine like Doc's in "Back To The Future," that runs on garbage!

    Although I do love reading stories about restaurants, cafeterias, etc., who sell all their plate scrapings and leftovers to pig farmers. Now, that's some recycling!

  4. are you sure it is directly from garbage ,not indirectly.

    In Mexico they produce crackers made from Worms that feed on garbage .

    this is supposed to be very nutritious

    We have had worm cultures here and everybody comes to eat them ,

    the Thrush,Crows,Armadillos and even the Dog was caught with a mouth full of worms

    yum yum

    so that is easy to believe.

    But directly from garbage that must be poison.

    Better the soy-lent green idea ,lets start eating the Enemies of the planet .

    The people who are left will be far more conscientious about their behavior towards Nature .

    An indirect attack on polution.

  5. Remember, Tuesday is Soylent Green day !

    Yum yum !

  6. at least its not people?

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