
Soymilk: to buy or make?

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I go through about a carton of soymilk a week which cost around 3-4 dollars- I think. If I got a Soyabella Soymilk maker I could just make my own. I'd have to buy soybeans and the machine does cost 99 dollars. Well do you think, in the long run at least, I would save money?

And if you know about it or own a soyabella is there anything I should know about it?




  1. First, look around your kitchen (and garage) and count all the other appliances and gadgets that you've gotten, and rarely (if ever) use.   You'd probably start off doing it for a few weeks, then taper off, until you stopped using it altogether:) .....  I think buying it would actually be cheaper in the long run

  2. We go through a whole lot more than 1 carton per week.  We go through at least 2-3 gallons of soy milk per week, costing on average 13.00 to 20.00 on average.

    3 or 4 dollars is really not anything to worry about.  It convenient and pasteurized.  Also I think it would take a TON of beans to make the soy milk yourself.  Plus you will have to do more work.

    I think prepackaged soy milk is worth the money.  I personally have so much stuff to do already I can't take much more.  I like to open up the fridge and pull the soy milk out, poor it, put it back, and get on with my day.

    It's your choice though.  If you have the time it might be fun.  Just remember that like a lot of other cool sounding appliances that people buy, it may end up in one of your top cabinets with an inch of dust on top of it...only to be sold at a yard sale for 75 cents.

    If you have the extra money and you are feeling adventurous, give it a go.  If you are doing to try to save money think twice.  Fine out how many beans you would need and how much that would cost.  Also consider the time involved and the fact that it may taste different.

    Good luck.  :)

  3. I have the SoyaPower machine, which was also $99 last year (looks like the price may have gone up, but do shop around) and it has definitely been a money-saver. Bulk organic soybeans are quite cheap.   I figured it's like 50 cents a gallon if I just use soy.  Of course, you might want to add a little sweetener or vanilla or something.  I put a tablespoon of barley in with my beans and it makes the milk turn out sweeter.  You can also make rice milk, oat milk, nut milk, etc with this machine, and it comes with a booklet full of ideas.

    I'm also really happy that my recycling bin is no longer full of little aseptic packages.  Those always made me feel guilty.

    Now I just keep my milk in a glass former juice jug in the fridge and refill it when I need to.

    I estimate 1/2 cup soybeans = at least 6 cups soymilk.

    I looked at the Soyabella and it seems pretty complementary.  Just read some reviews and make your decision. Fresh, hot, frothy soymilk is delicious!

  4. I honestly know nothing about making your own soy milk. whether or not it will cost you more or less in the long run depends on how much the soybeans will cost you I guess

  5. It would work out quite well because you could buy a big sack of soybeans in bulk. I actually tried to figure out how much it would cost vs. the machine.

    Now I am looking at making raw nut and seed mylks, actually, so that I don't consume too much processed soy. I think, however, that you will be using the whole bean so perhaps it's great. My biggest concern is that the machine has only a year's warranty so I don't know how rugged it is.

  6. i would sample some homeade soymilk and see what i liked better

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